Timelines of World Art

Review significant moments in art history from all over the globe. For each of the six regions below there are three or four timelines, each covering a specific era. The timelines feature brief summaries of important events in the visual arts; many of the summaries are accompanied by an image, and all link to articles in Grove Art Online for further reading.

Yoruba gelede mask, wood, pigment, h. 540 mm, 20th century (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Purchase, Anonymous Gift, in memory of Barry D. Maurer, and Gulton Foundation Inc. Gift, 1994, Accession ID: 1994.328a-c); image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mary Cassatt: Mother and Child, pastel on paper, 550×460 mm, 1897 (Paris, Musée d’Orsay); photo credit: Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY
Jnanatapa Surrounded by Lamas and Mahasiddhas, distemper on cloth, 27 x 21 1/2 in. (68.6 x 54.6 cm), ca. 1350 (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Purchase, Friends of Asian Art Gifts, 1987, Accession ID:1987.144); image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Maori pendant, combines hei matau and hei tiki forms, nephrite, h. 85 mm, probably 18th century (London, British Museum); photo credit: Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY
Australia, New Zealand,
and the Pacific
 Filippo Brunelleschi: dome of Florence Cathedral, 1418–36; photo credit: Scala/Art Resource, NY
Hassan Massoudy: Le coeur est un guide pour le coeur, sitôt quils se rencontrent (Abou Al Attahia VIIIe s), ink on paper, 550×750 mm, 2001 (private collection); photo credit: Banque d’Images, ADAGP/Art Resource, NY, photo © courtesy of the artist
Middle East