Standard Reference Books and Series
List A. List of abbreviations used in bibliographies for alphabetically arranged dictionaries and encyclopedias.
List B. List of the abbreviated forms of the preferred editions of books frequently cited.
List C. List of abbreviations used in this dictionary for publishers' series.
List A. List of abbreviations used in bibliographies for alphabetically arranged dictionaries and encyclopedias.
ADB | Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, 56 vols (Leipzig, 1875–1912) |
ANB | American National Biography, 24 vols (New York, 1999) |
Archibald | E. H. H. Archibald: Dictionary of Sea Painters (Woodbridge, 1980) |
AUDB | Australian Dictionary of Biography (Melbourne, 1966–) |
Bauchal | C. Bauchal: Nouveau dictionnaire biographique et critique des architectes français (Paris, 1887) |
Bellier de La Chavignerie-Auvray | E. Bellier de La Chavignerie and L. Auvray: Dictionnaire général des artistes de l’Ecole française depuis l’origine des arts du dessin jusqu’à nos jours, 2 vols (Paris, 1882–5), suppl. (Paris, 1887) |
Bénézit | E. Bénézit, ed.: Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des peintres, sculpteurs, dessinateurs et graveurs, 10 vols (Paris, 1913–22, rev. 3/1976) |
Berman | E. Berman: Art and Artists of South Africa (Cape Town, 1970, rev. Halfway House, 1993) |
BLKO | C. von Wurzbach: Biographisches Lexicon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich, 60 vols (Vienna, 1856–90) |
BNB | Biographie nationale [belge] (Brussels, 1866–) |
Bolaffi | Dizionario enciclopedia dei pittori e degli incisori italiani, dall’XI al XX secolo, 11 vols (Turin, 1972–6) [pubd by Bolaffi] |
Bryan | M. A. Bryan: Bryan’s Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, 2 vols (London, 1816); rev. and enlarged under the supervision of G. Williamson, 5 vols (London, 1903–5) |
BWN | J. Charité, ed.: Biografisch woordenboek van Nederland (The Hague, 1979) |
Ceán Bermúdez | J. A. Ceán Bermúdez: Diccionario histórico de los más ilustres profesores de las bellas artes en España, 6 vols (Madrid, 1800/R 1965) |
Colnaghi | D. E. Colnaghi: A Dictionary of Florentine Painters from the 13th to the 17th Centuries (London, 1928) |
Colvin | H. M. Colvin: A Biographical Dictionary of British Architects, 1600–1840 (London, 1954, rev. 2/1978) |
Comanducci | A. M. Comanducci: Dizionario illustrato dei pittori, scultori, disegnatori e incisori italiani moderni e contemporanei, 5 vols (Milan, 1934, rev. 3/1962) |
Contemp. Architects | M. Emanuel, ed.: Contemporary Architects (London, 1980, rev. 1986) |
Contemp. Artists | M. Emanuel and others, eds: Contemporary Artists (London, 1977, rev. 1983) |
Contemp. Designers | A. Lee Morgan, ed.: Contemporary Designers (London, 1984, rev. 2/1985) |
Contemp. Phots | G. Walsh, C. Naylor and M. Held, eds: Contemporary Photographers (New York, 1982, rev. 1988) |
DAB | Dictionary of American Biography (New York, 1928–) |
DBF | Dictionnaire de biographie française (Paris, 1933–) |
DBI | Dizionario biografico degli italiani (Rome, 1960–) |
DBL | Dansk biografisk leksikon (Copenhagen, 1887–1905, rev. 2/1933–) |
DBP | Dicionário bibliográfico português (Lisbon, 1858–) |
DCB | Dictionary of Canadian Biography (Toronto, 1966–) |
de Pamplona | F. de Pamplona: Dicionário de pintores e escultores portugueses ou que trabalharam em Portugal, 4 vols (Lisbon, 1954–9) |
Dict. Eglises France | J. Brosse, ed.: Dictionnaire des églises de France, 5 vols (Paris, 1966–71) |
Dict. Middle Ages | J. R. Strayer, ed.: Dictionary of the Middle Ages, 13 vols (New York, 1982–9) |
Diderot-d’Alembert | D. Diderot and J. le Rond d’Alembert: Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers, par une société de gens de lettres: Mis en ordre et publié par M. Diderot…& quant à la partie mathématique, par M. d’Alembert, 17 vols and suppls (Paris, 1751–65) |
DMB | L. C. Goodrich and Chaoying Fang, eds: Dictionary of Ming Biography, 1368–1644, 2 vols (New York and London, 1976) |
DNB | Dictionary of National Biography, 63 vols and suppls (London, 1885–) |
DNZB | Dictionary of New Zealand Biography (Wellington, 1990–) |
DSAB | W. J. de Kock, D. W. Kruger and C. J. Beyers, eds: Dictionary of South African Biography, 5 vols (Capetown and Johannesburg, 1968–87) |
Edouard-Joseph | R. Edouard-Joseph: Dictionnaire biographique des artistes contemporains, 3 vols (Paris, 1930–34) |
Enc. A. Ant. | Enciclopedia dell’arte antica, classica e orientale, 7 vols and suppls (Rome, 1958–73) |
Enc. Catt. | Enciclopedia cattolica, 12 vols (Florence, 1948–54) |
Enc. Ind. Temple Archit. | Encyclopaedia of Indian Temple Architecture, 6 vols (New Delhi, Philadelphia and Princeton, 1983–) |
Enc. Iran. | E. Yar Shater, ed.: Encyclopedia Iranica (London, 1986) |
Enc. Islam/1 | Encyclopaedia of Islam, 8 vols and suppl. (Leiden, 1913–36/R 1987) |
Enc. Islam/2 | Encyclopaedia of Islam (Leiden, 1954–) |
Enc. It. | Enciclopedia italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti, 39 vols and suppls (Milan, 1929–81) |
Enc. Jud. | Encyclopedia Judaica, 16 vols (Jerusalem, 1972) |
Enc. Spettacolo | Enciclopedia dello spettacolo, 9 vols and suppl. (Rome, 1954–66) |
Engen | R. K. Engen: Dictionary of Victorian Engravers, Print Publishers and their Works (Cambridge, 1979) |
EWA | Enciclopedia universale dell’arte, 15 vols (Rome, 1958–67); Eng. trans. as Encyclopedia of World Art (New York, 1959–68) |
FBH | T. Carpelan, ed.: Finsk biografisk handbok, 2 vols (Helsinki, 1903) |
Forrer | L. Forrer: Biographical Dictionary of Medallists, 8 vols (London, 1902–30) |
Foskett | D. Foskett: A Dictionary of British Miniature Painters, 2 vols (London, 1972) |
Franke | H. Franke, ed.: Sung Biographies, 4 vols (Wiesbaden, 1976) |
Füssli | J. R. Füssli: Allgemeines Künstlerlexicon, oder kurze Nachricht von dem Leben und den Werken der Mahler, Bildhauer, Baumeister, Kupfersticher, Kunstgiesser, Stahlschneider etc., 3 vols (Zurich, 1779–1824) |
Gestoso y Pérez | J. Gestoso y Pérez: Ensayo de un diccionario de los artífices que florecieron en Sevilla desde el siglo XIII al XVIII inclusive, 3 vols (Seville, 1899–1909) |
Goldstein | F. Goldstein: Monogramm–Lexikon (Berlin, 1964) |
Grove 6 | S. Sadie, ed.: The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 20 vols (London, rev. 6/1980) |
Grove Amer. Music | S. Sadie and H. W. Hitchcock, eds: The New Grove Dictionary of American Music, 4 vols (London, 1986) |
Grove Instr. | S. Sadie, ed.: The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 3 vols (London, 1984) |
Gunnis | R. Gunnis: Dictionary of British Sculptors, 1660–1851 (London, 1951, rev. 2/1968) |
Harvey | J. Harvey: English Mediaeval Architects: A Biographical Dictionary down to 1550 (London, 1954, rev. and enlarged 2/1984) |
Hoefer | F. Hoefer, ed.: Nouvelle biographie générale depuis les temps plus reculés jusqu’à nos jours, avec les renseignements bibliographiques et l’indication des sources à consulter, 46 vols (Paris, 1853–66/R Copenhagen, 1963–9) |
Hollstein: Dut. & Flem. | F. W. H. Hollstein: Dutch and Flemish Etchings, Engravings and Woodcuts, c. 1450–1700 (Amsterdam, 1949–) |
Hollstein: Ger. | F. W. H. Hollstein: German Engravings, Etchings and Woodcuts, c. 1400–1700 (Amsterdam, 1954–) |
Hummel | A. W. Hummel, ed.: Eminent Chinese of the Ch’ing Period, 1644–1912 (Washington, DC, 1943/R Taipei, 1975) |
Int. Dict. A. & Artists | J. Vinson, ed.: International Dictionary of Art and Artists, 2 vols (Chicago and London, 1990) [1st vol. contains artists arranged in alphabetical order; 2nd vol. includes works of art arranged in roughly chronological order] |
Jal | A. Jal: Dictionnaire critique de biographie et d’histoire, errata et supplément pour tous les dictionnaires historiques, d’après des documents authentiques inédits (Paris, 1867, rev. 1872) |
Kindler | Kindlers Malerei Lexikon, 16 vols (Zurich, 1964–71) [pubd by Kindler] |
Kodansha Enc. Japan | Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan, 9 vols (Tokyo and New York, 1983), suppl. (Tokyo and New York, 1986) |
LÄ | W. Helck, E. Otto and W. Westendorff, eds: Lexikon der Ägyptologie (Wiesbaden, 1975–) |
Lake–Maillard | C. Lake and R. Maillard: A Dictionary of Modern Painting (London, 1964) |
Lami | S. Lami: Dictionnaire des sculpteurs de l’Ecole française, 8 vols (Paris, 1898–1921/R Nendeln, 1970) |
LCI | Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie (Rome, 1968–) |
LK | Lexikon der Kunst: Architektur, bildende Kunst, angewandte Kunst, Industrieformgestaltung, Kunsttheorie (Leipzig, 1968–) |
LM | Lexikon des Mittelalters (Munich, 1980–) |
Luciani | L. Luciani and F. Luciani: Dizionario dei pittori italiani dell’1800 (Florence, 1974) |
Machado | C. V. Machado: Colecão de memórias relativas as vidas dos pintores, escultores, arquitetos e gravadores portugueses, e dos estrangeiros, que estiverão em Portugal (Lisbon, 1823/R Coimbra, 1922) |
Macmillan Enc. Archit. | A. K. Placzek, ed.: Macmillan Encyclopedia of Architects, 4 vols (New York, 1982) |
Mariette | P.-J. Mariette: ‘Abecedario de P.-J. Mariette et autres notes inédites de cet amateur sur les arts et les artistes’, Archv A. Fr., ii (1851–3), iv (1853–4), vi (1854–6), viii (1857–8), x (1858–9), xii (1859–60) |
Meissner | G. Meissner, ed.: Allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon: Die bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker, 3 vols (Leipzig, 1983–90/R Munich, 1992) [see also Thieme–Becker below] |
Michaud | L.-G. Michaud, ed.: Biographie universelle ancienne et moderne, 84 vols (Paris, 1811–57) |
NBL | Norsk biografisk leksikon (Oslo, 1921–) |
NBW | Nationaal biografisch woordenboek, 14 vols (Brussels, 1964–92) |
NDB | Neue deutsche Biographie (Berlin, 1953–) |
NKL | Norsk kunstnerleksikon, 4 vols (Oslo, 1982) |
NNBW | Nieuw Nederlandsch biografisch woordenboek, 10 vols (Leiden, 1911–37) |
NÖB | Neue österreichische Biographie (Vienna, 1923–) |
ÖBL | Österreichisches biographisches Lexikon (Graz, Cologne and Vienna, 1957–) |
O’Donoghue | F. O’Donoghue and H. M. Hake: Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits Preserved in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum, 6 vols (London, 1908–25) |
ÖKL | R. Schmidt, ed.: Österreichisches Künstlerlexikon von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart (Vienna, 1974–) |
Oxford Class. Dict. | M. Cary and others: The Oxford Classical Dictionary (Oxford, 1948); rev., N. G. L. Hammond and H. H. Scullard, eds (Oxford, 2/1970) |
Papworth | W. Papworth, ed.: Dictionary of Architecture, 8 vols (London, 1852–92) |
Pauly–Wissowa | G. Wissowa, W. Kroll and K. Mittelhaus, eds: Paulys Realencyclopädie der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft, 10 vols and suppls (Stuttgart, 1894–1978) |
Pontual | R. Pontual: Dicionário das artes plásticos no Brasil (Rio de Janeiro, 1969) |
Portalis–Beraldi | R. Portalis and H. Beraldi: Les Graveurs du dix-huitième siècle, 3 vols (Paris, 1880–82) |
Portoghesi | P. Portoghesi, ed.: Dizionario enciclopedico di architettura e urbanistica, 6 vols (Rome, 1968–9) |
PSB | Polski słownik biograficzny, 34 vols (Wrocław, 1935–) |
RBK | M. Restle and K. Wessel, eds: Reallexikon zur byzantinischen Kunst (Stuttgart, 1966–) |
RDK | O. Schmitt and others, eds: Reallexikon zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte (Stuttgart, Metzler and Munich, 1937–) |
Reallex. Ant. & Christ. | Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum, 14 vols (Stuttgart, 1950–88) |
Redgrave | S. Redgrave: Dictionary of Artists of the English School (London, 1874, rev. 2/1978/R 1970) |
RLA | Reallexikon der Assyriologie und vorderasiatischen Archäologie (Berlin, 1928–) |
Roberts | L. Roberts: A Dictionary of Japanese Artists (New York, 1976) |
SAP | Słownik artystów polskich i obcych w Polsce działjacych [Dictionary of Polish and foreign artists working in Poland] (Wrocław, 1971) |
SBL | Svenska biografiskt leksikon (Stockholm, 1918–) |
Scheen | P. A. Scheen: Lexicon Nederlandse beeldende kunstenaars, 1750–1950 (The Hague, 1981) |
Seubert | A. F. Seubert: Allgemeines Künstlerlexicon oder Leben und Werke der berühmtesten bildenden Künstler, 3 vols (Stuttgart, 1878) |
Seuphor | M. Seuphor: Dictionnaire de la peinture abstraite (Paris, 1958); Eng. trans. as A Dictionary of Modern Abstract Painting (London, 1958) |
SKL | C. Brun: Schweizerisches Künstler-Lexikon/Dictionnaire des artistes suisses, 4 vols (Frauenfeld, 1905–17/R Nendeln, 1967) |
Souchal | F. Souchal, ed.: French Sculptors of the 17th and 18th Centuries: The Reign of Louis XIV (Oxford, 1977–) |
Stillwell | R. Stillwell, ed.: The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites (Princeton, 1976) |
Strickland | W. Strickland: A Dictionary of Irish Artists, 2 vols (Dublin, 1913/R 1968) |
SVKL | G. Lilja, ed.: Svenska konstnärslexikon, 5 vols (Malmö, 1952–67) |
Thieme–Becker | U. Thieme and F. Becker, eds: Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, 37 vols (Leipzig, 1907–50) [see also Meissner above] |
Viterbo | F. M. de Sousa Viterbo: Dicionário histórico e documental dos arquitetos, engenheiros e construtores portuguezes ou a serviço de Portugal, 3 vols (Lisbon, 1899–1922) |
Vollmer | H. Vollmer, ed.: Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler des XX. Jahrhunderts, 6 vols (Leipzig, 1953–62) |
Wasmuth | Wasmuths Lexikon der Baukunst, 5 vols (Berlin, 1929–37) |
Waterhouse: 16th & 17th C. | E. Waterhouse: The Dictionary of 16th and 17th Century British Painters (Woodbridge, 1988) |
Waterhouse: 18th C. | E. Waterhouse: The Dictionary of British 18th Century Painters (Woodbridge, 1981) |
Withey | H. F. Withey and E. R. Withey: Biographical Dictionary of American Architects (Los Angeles, 1956/R 1970) |
Wood | C. Wood: Dictionary of Victorian Painters (Woodbridge, 1971, rev. 2/1978) |
Wurzbach | A. von Wurzbach: Niederländisches Künstler-Lexikon auf Grund archivalischen Forschungen bearbeitet, 3 vols (Vienna and Leipzig, 1906–11/R Amsterdam, 1974) |
List B. List of the abbreviated forms of the preferred editions of books frequently cited.
A. A. Palomino de Castro y Velasco: Museo pictórico (1715–24) | El museo pictórico, y escala óptica, 3 vols (Madrid, 1715–24/R 1947) |
A. Armand: Les Médailleurs italiens (2/1883–7) | Les Médailleurs italiens des quinzième et seizième siècles (Paris, 1879), rev. and enlarged, 3 vols (Paris, 1883–7) |
A. Félibien: Entretiens (1666–8); rev. (1725) | Entretiens sur les vies et les ouvrages des plus excellens peintres anciens et modernes, 2 vols (Paris, 1666–8); rev. and enlarged, 6 vols (Trévoux, 1725/R London, 1967) |
A. Houbraken: De groote schouburgh (1718–21) | De groote schouburgh der Nederlandsche konstschilders en schilderessen, 3 vols (Amsterdam, 1718–21/R Maastricht, 1943–53/R Amsterdam, 1976) |
A.-J. Dézallier d’Argenville: Abrégé de la vie des plus fameux peintres (1745–52, 2/1762) | Abrégé de la vie des plus fameux peintres, avec leurs portraits gravés en taille-douce, les indications de leurs principaux ouvrages, quelques réflexions sur leurs caractères et la manière de connoître des desseins et les tableaux des grands maîtres, 3 vols (Paris, 1745–52), rev. 4 vols (Paris, 1762/R Geneva, 1972) |
A.-N. Dézallier d’Argenville: Vies des fameux architectes et sculpteurs (1788) | Vies des fameux architectes et sculpteurs depuis la renaissance des arts, avec la description de leurs ouvrages, 2 vols (Paris, 1788) |
A.-P.-F. Robert-Dumesnil: Le Peintre–graveur français (1835–71) | Le Peintre–graveur français, ou catalogue raisonné des estampes gravées par les peintres et les dessinateurs de l’école française, 11 vols (Paris, 1835–71/R 1967) |
A. Ponz: Viaje (1772–94); ed. C. M. de Rivero (1947) | Viaje de España, en que se da noticias de las cosas apreciables y diquas de saberse que hay en ella, 18 vols (Madrid, 1772–94); ed. C. M. de Rivero (Madrid, 1947) |
A. U. Pope and P. Ackerman, eds: Survey of Persian Art (2/1964–7) | A Survey of Persian Art, from Prehistoric Times to the Present, 6 vols (London, 1938–9), rev. 16 vols (London, 2/1964–7/R Tokyo, 1977) |
A. Venturi: Storia (1901–40) | Storia dell’arte italiana, 11 vols (Milan, 1901–40/R Nendeln, 1967) |
A. von Bartsch: Le Peintre–graveur (1803–21) | Le Peintre–graveur, 21 vols (Vienna, 1803–21/R New York, 1970) |
B. Berenson: Central and North Italian Schools (1968) | Italian Pictures of the Renaissance: Central and North Italian Schools, 3 vols (London, 1968) |
B. Berenson: Florentine School (1963) | Italian Pictures of the Renaissance: Florentine School, 2 vols (London, 1963) |
B. Berenson: Venetian School (1957) | Italian Pictures of the Renaissance: Venetian School, 2 vols (London, 1957) |
B. de Dominici: Vite (1742–5) | Vite de’ pittori, scultori ed architetti napoletani (Naples, 1742–5/R Bologna, 1979) |
B. Porter and R. L. B. Moss, eds: Topographical Bibliography (1927–) | Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs and Paintings (Oxford, 1927–) |
C. Blanc: Histoire (1861–76) | Histoire des peintres de toutes les écoles, 14 vols (Paris, 1861–76) |
C. Cennini: Il libro dell’arte (MS.; c. 1390); trans. and notes by D.V. Thompson jr (1933) | Il libro dell’arte (MS.; c. 1390); Eng. trans. and notes by D.V. Thompson jr as The Craftsman’s Handbook (New Haven, 1933/R New York, 1954 and 1960) |
C. C. Malvasia: Felsina pittrice (1678); ed. G. Zanotti (1841) | Felsina pittrice: Vite de’ pittori bolognesi, 2 vols (Bologna, 1678); ed. G. Zanotti, 2 vols (Bologna, 1841) |
C. de Bie: Het gulden cabinet (1661) | Het gulden cabinet van de edele vry schilderconst (Antwerp, 1661/R Soest, 1971) |
C. Hofstede de Groot: Holländischen Maler (1907–28) | Beschreibendes und kritisches Verzeichnis der Werke der hervorragendsten holländischen Maler des XVII. Jahrhunderts, 10 vols (Esslingen, 1907–28) |
Conde de la Viñaza: Adiciones al diccionario (1889–94) | Adiciones al diccionario histórico de los más ilustres profesores de las bellas artes de España de D. Juan Agustín Ceán Bermúdez, 4 vols (Madrid, 1889–94) |
Corp. Inscr. Lat. | Corpus inscriptionem Latinarum, Academia Literarum Regiae Borussicae (Berlin, 1862–) |
C. Ridolfi: Meraviglie (1648); ed. D. von Hadeln (1914–24) | Le meraviglie dell’arte ovvero le vite degl’illustri pittori veneti e dello stato (Venice, 1648); new critical edn with notes by D. von Hadeln (Berlin, 1914–24/R 1965) |
E. Llaguno y Amirola: Noticias (1829) | Noticias de los arquitectos y arquitectura de España desde su restauración, ilustradas y acrecentadas con notas, adiciones y documentos, por D. Juan Agustín Ceán Bermúdez, 5 vols (Madrid, 1829) |
E. Páez Rios: Repertorio (1981–3) | Repertorio de grabados españoles en la Biblioteca Nacional, 4 vols (Madrid, 1981–3) |
F. Baldinucci: Notizie (1681–1728); ed. F. Ranalli (1845–7) | Notizie de’ professori del disegno da Cimabue in qua (Florence, 1681–1728); ed. F. Ranalli, 5 vols (Florence, 1845–7) |
F. Lugt: Marques (1921) | Les Marques de collections de dessins et d’estampes (Amsterdam, 1921) |
F. Lugt: Marques, suppl. (1956) | Les Marques de collections de dessins et d’estampes, suppl. (The Hague, 1956) |
F. Lugt: Ventes (1938–64) | Répertoire des catalogues de ventes publiques, 3 vols (The Hague, 1938–64) |
F. Pacheco: Arte (1649); ed. F. Sánchez Cantón (1956) | El arte de la pintura (Seville, 1649, rev. Madrid, 1866); ed. F. Sánchez Cantón, 2 vols (1956) |
F. S. Baldinucci: Vite (1725–30); ed. A. Matteoli (1975) | Vite di artisti dei secoli XVII–XVIII (1725–30; Florence, Bib. N. Cent., Cod. Palatino 565); ed. A. Matteoli (Rome, 1975) |
G. Baglione: Vite (1642); ed. V. Mariani (1935) | Le vite de’ pittori, scultori, architetti, ed intagliatori, dal pontificato di Gregorio XIII del 1572, fino a’ tempi di Papa Urbano VIII nel 1642 (Rome, 1642); facs. edn with marginal notes by Bellori, ed. V. Mariani (Rome, 1935) |
G. B. Passeri: Vite (1679); ed. J. Hess (1934) | Vite de’ pittori, scultori ed architetti che hanno lavorato in Roma, morti dal 1641 fino al 1673 (MS., 1679, Rome, 1722); ed. J. Hess (Leipzig, 1934) |
G. Fanelli: Architettura moderna (1968) | Architettura moderna in Olanda, 1900–1940 (Florence, 1968); Dut. trans. as Moderne architectuur in Nederland (The Hague, 1978/R 1981) [both It. & Dut. edns incl. abridged Eng. text] |
G. F. Hill: Corpus (1930) | A Corpus of Italian Medals of the Renaissance before Cellini, 2 vols (London, 1930) |
G. K. Nagler: Monogrammisten (1858–1920) | Die Monogrammisten und diejenigen bekannten und unbekannten Künstler aller Schulen, 6 vols (Munich, 1858–1920/R 1966) |
G. P. Bellori: Vite (1672); ed. E. Borea (1976) | Le vite de’ pittori, scultori ed architetti moderni (Rome, 1672); ed. E. Borea (Turin, 1976) |
G. Vasari: Vite (1550, rev. 2/1568); ed. G. Milanesi (1878–85) | Le vite de’ piu eccellenti pittori, scultori ed architetti (Florence, 1550, rev. 2/1568); ed. G. Milanesi, 9 vols (Florence, 1878–85) |
H. Walpole: Anecdotes of Painting in England (1762–71); ed. R. N. Wornum (1849) | Anecdotes of Painting in England; with Some Account of the Principal Artists; and Incidental Notes on Other Arts, 5 vols (Strawberry Hill, 1762–71); 6th edn, ed. R. N. Wornum, 3 vols (London, 1849/R 1888) |
Inscr. Gr./1 | Inscriptiones Graecae, Academia Literarum Regiae Borussicae (Berlin, 1873–) |
Inscr. Gr./2 | Inscriptiones Graecae: Editio minor, Academia Literarum Regiae Borussicae (Berlin, 1924–) |
J. D. Beazley: Black-figure (1956) | Attic Black-figure Vase-painters (Oxford, 1956/R New York, 1978) |
J. D. Beazley: Development of Black-figure (1951, 3/1986) | The Development of Attic Black-figure (Berkeley, 1951, rev. 3/1986) |
J. D. Beazley: Paralipomena (1971) | Paralipomena: Additions to Attic Black-figure and to Attic Red-figure Vase-painters (Oxford, 1971) |
J. D. Beazley: Red-figure (1942, 2/1963) | Attic Red-figure Vase-painters, 3 vols (Oxford, 1942, rev. 2/1963) |
J. Guiffrey, ed.: Comptes (1881–1901) | Comptes des bâtiments du roi sous le règne de Louis XIV, 5 vols (Paris, 1881–1901) |
J.-J. Guiffrey: Collections (1869–73) | Collections des livrets des anciennes expositions depuis 1673 jusqu’en 1800, 42 vols (Paris, 1869–73) |
J. van Gool: De nieuwe schouburg (1750–51) | De nieuwe schouburg der Nederlandsche kunstschilders en schilderessen, 2 vols (The Hague, 1750–51/R Soest, 1971) |
J. von Sandrart: Teutsche Academie (1675–9); ed. A. R. Peltzer (1925) | L’Accademia tedesca della architettura, scultura & pittura; oder, Teutsche Academie der edlen Bau-, Bild- und Mahlerey-Künste von 1675: Leben und berühmte Mahler, Bildhauer und Baumeister, 2 vols (Frankfurt, 1675–9); rev. as 1 vol., ed. A. R. Peltzer (Munich, 1925) |
J. W. Gaye: Carteggio (1839–40) | Carteggio inedito d’artisti dei secoli XIV, XV, XVI, 3 vols (Florence, 1839–40/R 1961) |
K. Shimonaka, ed.: Shodō zenshū [Complete collection of calligraphy] | Shodō zenshū [Complete collection of calligraphy], 26 vols, 2 suppls (Tokyo, 2/1954–68); 1st edn ed. Y. Shimonaka (Tokyo, 1930–32) |
K. van Mander: Schilder-boeck ([1603]–1604) | Het schilder-boeck, waer in voor eerst de leerlustighe iueght den grondt der edel vry schilderconst in verscheyden deelen wort voorghedraghen. Daer nae in dry deelen t’leuen der vermaede doorluchtighe schilders des ouden, en nieuwen tyds, 2 vols (Haarlem, [1603]–1604/R Utrecht, 1969) |
L. Dussieux and others, eds: Mémoires inédits…des membres de l’Académie royale (1854) | Mémoires inédits sur la vie et les ouvrages des membres de l’Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture, publiés d’après les manuscrits conservés à l’Ecole impériale des beaux-arts, par MM. L. Dussieux, E. Soulié, Ph. de Chennevières, Paul Mantz, A. de Montaiglon, sous les auspices de M. le Ministre de l’Intérieur, 2 vols (Paris, 1854) |
L. Ghiberti: Commentarii (1912) | I Commentarii, ed. J. von Schlosser, 2 vols (Berlin, 1912) |
L. Guicciardini: Descrittione di…tutti i Paesi Bassi (1567) | Descrittione di Lodovico Guicciardini patritio fiorentino di tutti i Paesi Bassi altrimenti detti Germania inferiore (Antwerp, 1567) |
L. Hautecoeur: Architecture classique (1943–57) | Histoire de l’architecture classique en France, 7 vols (Paris, 1943–57) |
L. Pascoli: Vite (1730–36) | Vite de’ pittori, scultori ed architetti moderni, 2 vols (Rome, 1730–36/R 1933/R Amsterdam, 1965) |
Ludwig, Freiherr von Pastor: Geschichte der Päpste (1886–9) | Geschichte der Päpste seit dem Ausgang des Mittelalters, 36 vols (Freiburg, 1886–9); Eng. trans. as The History of the Popes from the Close of the Middle Ages, 40 vols (London, 1891–1953) |
M. Boskovits: Corpus (1984) | A Critical and Historical Corpus of Florentine Painting. The Fourteenth Century: The Painters of the Miniaturist Tendency (Florence, 1984) [also known as III/ix of R. Offner and K. Steinweg: Corpus] |
No Yasumaro: Kojiki [Record of ancient matters] ( 712) | Kojiki [Record of ancient matters] (AD 712); Eng. trans. by B. Hall Chamberlain, 2nd edn with notes by W. G. Aston (Kobe, 1932) |
N. Pio: Vite (1724); ed. C. Enggass and R. Enggass (1977) | Le vite di pittori, scultori et architetti (1724; MS., Rome, Vatican, Bib. Apostolica, Cod. Capponiana 257); ed. C. Enggass and R. Enggass (Rome, 1977) |
P. A. Orlandini: Abecedario (Bologna, 1704/R Geneva, 1973) | Abecedario pittorico nel quale compendiosamente sono descritti le patrie, i maestri, ed i tempi…diviso in tre parti. Il tutto disposto in alfabeto per maggior facilità de’ dilettanti (Bologna and Pisarri, 1704/R 1973) |
PG | J. P. Migne, ed.: Patrologia cursus completus…series Graeca, 162 vols (Paris, 1857–1912) |
PL | J. P. Migne, ed.: Patrologiae cursus completus patres ecclesiae Latine (Paris, 1844–64) |
Prince Toneri: Nihon shoki [Chronicle of Japan] (720) | Nihon shoki [Chronicle of Japan] (AD 720); Eng. trans. by W. G. Aston as Trans. and Proc. Japan Soc., London, suppl. (1896) [whole issue] |
R. Mayer: Artist’s Handbook (1940, 4/1982) | The Artist’s Handbook of Materials and Techniques (New York, 1940, rev. London, 4/1982/R 1987) |
R. Offner and K. Steinweg: Corpus (1930–79); rev. M. Boskovits (1986–) | A Critical and Historical Corpus of Florentine Painting, 14 vols (New York, 1930–79); rev. M. Boskovits, III/i (Florence, 1986), III/ii pts 1–2 (Florence, 1987), III/iii (Florence, 1989), III/iv (Florence, 1991) |
R. Offner and K. Steinweg: Corpus, suppl.; ed. H. B. J. Maginnis (1981) | A Critical and Historical Corpus of Florentine Painting by Richard Offner. A Legacy of Attributions: The Fourteenth Century, Supplement, ed. by H. B. J. Maginnis (New York, 1981) |
R. Soprani: Vite (1674); enlarged, ed. C. G. Ratti (1768–9) | Le vite de’ pittori, scoltori et architetti genovesi (Genoa, 1674/R 1971); rev., enlarged and ed. C. G. Ratti as Vite de’ pittori, scultori ed architetti genovesi, 2 vols (Genoa, 1768–9/R 1965) |
R. van Marle: Italian Schools (1923–38) | The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting, 19 vols (The Hague, 1923–38/R New York, 1970) |
Theophilus: De diversis artibus (12 C.); J. G. Hawthorne & C. S. Smith (1963) | De diversis artibus (MS.; 12 C.); ed. and trans. C.R. Dodwell (London, Edinburgh and Paris, 1961); ed. and trans. J. G. Hawthorne and C. S. Smith (Chicago, 1963/R 1979) |
T. Tanikawa, ed.: Nihon tōji zenshū [Complete collection of Japanese ceramics] | Nihon tōji zenshū [Complete collection of Japanese ceramics], 30 vols (Tokyo, 1975–7) |
W. Paatz and E. Paatz: Kirchen (1940–54) | Die Kirchen von Florenz, 6 vols (Frankfurt, 1940–54) |
List C. List of abbreviations used in this dictionary for publishers' series.
A. Amer. | Artes Americanae |
A. Context | Art in Context |
Acta Archaeol. & A. Hist. Pertinentia | Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia |
Acta Iran. | Acta Iranica |
Acta SS | Acta Sanctorum |
Acta U. Stockholm.: Stud. Hist. A. | Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Stockholm Studies in the History of Art |
Acta U. Stockholm.: Stud. Lat. Stockholm. | Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis: Studia Latina Stockholmiensa |
Afr. Stud. Cent. Working Pap. | African Studies Center Working Papers |
A. Grandes Civilis. | L’Art des grandes civilisations |
A. Helv. | Ars Helvetica |
A. Hisp. | Ars Hispaniae |
A. Hisp. [Seville] | Arte hispalense |
A. Mankind | The Arts of Mankind/L’Univers des formes/Universum der Kunst |
Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.: Anthropol. Pap. | American Museum of Natural History: Anthropological Papers |
A. Mod. It. | Arte moderna italiana |
Amtl. Führer | Amtliche Führer |
Archaeol. Surv. India, Imp. Ser. | Archaeological Survey of India, Imperial Series |
Archaeol. Surv. India, New Imp. Ser. | Archaeological Survey of India, New Imperial Series [first few volumes called Archaeological Survey of India, New Series] |
Archaeol. Surv. India, New Ser. | Archaeological Survey of India, New Series |
Archaeol. Surv. W. India | Archaeological Survey of Western India |
Archit. Des. Profile | Architectural Design Profile |
Aristotelian Soc. Ser. | Aristotelian Society Series |
Ars Asiatica | |
Asiat. Forsch. | Asiatische Forschungen |
A. & Soc. Ser. | Art and Society Series |
Atti Accad. N. S Luca | Atti della Accademia nazionale di San Luca |
Ausstellbl. Mod. Abt. | Ausstellungsblätter der modernen Abteilungen (Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf) |
A. World | Art of the World/L’Art dans le monde/Kunst der Welt |
Baghdad. Forsch. | Baghdader Forschungen |
Bamberg. Stud. Kstgesch. & Dkmlpf. | Bamberger Studien zur Kunstgeschichte und Denkmalpflege |
Basl. Beitr. Ethnol. | Basler Beiträge zur Ethnologie |
Basl. Stud. Kstgesch. | Basler Studien zur Kunstgeschichte |
Bauhausbücher | |
Beitr. Kstgesch. | Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte |
Beitr. Kstgesch. Schweiz | Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte der Schweiz |
Beitr. Winckelmann-Ges. | Beiträge der Winckelmann-Gesellschaft |
Belg. Kstdkml. | Belgische Kunstdenkmäler |
Bern. Schr. | Berner Schriften |
Bib. Cah. Archéol. | Bibliothèque des cahiers archéologiques |
Bib. Dis. | Biblioteca di disegni |
Bib. Ecole Chartes | Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des chartes |
Bib. Kst & Antfreunde | Bibliothek für Kunst- und Antiquitätenfreunde |
Bidrag Kännedom Finlands Nat. & Folk | Bidrag till kännedom av Finlands natur och folk [Contributions to the knowledge of Finnish nature and people] |
Birmingham Byz. Ser. | Birmingham Byzantine Series |
Bishop Mus. Special Pubn | Bishop Museum Special Publication |
Bldgs Britain | Buildings of Britain |
Bldgs England | Buildings of England |
Bldgs Ireland | Buildings of Ireland |
Bldgs Scotland | Buildings of Scotland |
Bldgs Wales | Buildings of Wales |
BM, Occas. Pap. | British Museum, Occasional Papers |
BM, Prts & Drgs Ser. | British Museum, Prints and Drawings Series |
Bollingen Ser. | Bollingen Series |
Bonn. Hft. Vorgesch. | Bonner Hefte für Vorgeschichte |
Brit. Archaeol. Rep. | British Archaeological Reports |
Brit. Archaeol. Rep., Brit. Ser. | British Archaeological Reports, British Series |
Brit. Archaeol. Rep., Int. Ser. | British Archaeological Reports, International Series |
Brit. Archaeol. Rep., Suppl. Ser. | British Archaeological Reports, Supplementary Series |
B. & Schr. | Buch und Schrift |
Bull. BM, Hist. Ser. | Bulletin of the British Museum, Historical Series |
Cah. ORSTOM Sci. Humaines | Cahiers ORSTOM Sciences Humaines |
Cambridge Anc. Hist. | Cambridge Ancient History |
Cambridge Hist. India | Cambridge History of India |
Cambridge U., Mus. Archaeol. & Ethnol., Occas. Pap. | Cambridge University, Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Occasional Papers |
Carnegie Inst. Washington, Contrib. Amer. Anthropol. & Hist. | Carnegie Institution of Washington, Contributions to American Anthropology and History |
Carnegie Inst. Washington, Contrib. Amer. Archaeol. | Carnegie Institution of Washington, Contributions to American Archaeology |
CA Stud. Hist. A. | California Studies in the History of Art |
Cat. Drgs Col. RIBA | Catalogue of the Drawings Collection of the RIBA |
Cent. Creative Phot., Guide Ser. | Center for Creative Photography, Guide Series |
Chiese Roma Illus. | Chiese di Roma illustrate |
Class. A. | Classica dell’arte |
Col. A. Afrique Noire | Collection arts d’Afrique noire |
Col. A. Contemp. | Colecção arte contemporânea |
Col. A. Hist. | Collectanea artis historiae |
Col. A. & Tesoros Perú | Colección arte y tesoros del Perú |
Col. Ecole Fr. Rome | Collection de l’Ecole française de Rome |
Colloq. A. & Archaeol. Asia | Colloquies on Art and Archaeology in Asia |
Col. Maîtres A. | Collection des maîtres de l’art |
Columbia U. Contrib. Anthropol. | Columbia University Contributions to Anthropology |
Complete Hist. Jap. Phot. | The Complete History of Japanese Photography |
Corp. Inscr. Indic. | Corpus inscriptionem Indicarum |
Corp. Inscr. Iran. | Corpus inscriptionem Iranicarum |
Corp. Vasorum Ant. | Corpus vasorum antiquorum |
Corp. Vitrearum Med. Aevi | Corpus vitrearum medii aevi |
Council Brit. Archaeol., Res. Rep. | Council for British Archaeology, Research Reports |
Cuad. Hist. A. | Cuadernos de historia del arte |
Cuneiform Texts Nimrod | Cuneiform Texts from Nimrod |
Darstell. Fränk. Gesch. | Darstellung aus der fränkischen Geschichte |
Diamanti A. | I diamanti dell’arte |
Diss. Kstgesch. | Dissertationen zur Kunstgeschichte |
Doc. Hist. A. | A Documentary History of Art |
Doss. Mus. Tissus | Dossiers du Musée des tissus |
Dt. Archäol. Inst., Dkml. Ant. Archit. | Deutsches archäologisches Institut, Denkmäler antiker Architektur |
Dt. Kstgesch. | Deutsche Kunstgeschichte |
Duke U. Cent. Int. Stud. | Duke University Center for International Studies |
Dumbarton Oaks Stud. | Dumbarton Oaks Studies |
Enc. Feltrinelli Fisher A. | Enciclopedia Feltrinelli Fisher Arte |
Eng. Country Houses | English Country Houses |
Etud. Celt. | Etudes celtiques |
Etud. Hist. A.: Inst. Hist. Belge Rome | Etudes d’histoire de l’art publiées par l’Institut historique belge de Rome |
Eur. Hochschschr. | Europäische Hochschulschriften |
Fabian Tracts | |
Fatti & Idee: Saggi & Biog. | I fatti e le idee: Saggi e biografie |
Fieldiana | |
Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Anthropol. Ser. | Field Museum of Natural History, Anthropological Series |
Fin. Fornminnesfören. Tidskr./Suom. Muinmuist. Aikak. | Finska Fornminnesföreningens tidskrift/Suomen muinaismuistoyhdistyksen aikakauskirja (Finnish historical society magazine) |
Fontes Archaeol. Morav. | Fontes archaeologici Moraviae |
Fontes Rerum Austr. | Fontes rerum Austriacarum |
Fontes Rerum Ger. | Fontes rerum Germanicarum |
Forsch. Almohad. Moschee | Forschungen zur almohadischen Moschee |
Forsch. & Ber. Ksthist. Inst. U. Graz | Forschungen und Bericht des Kunsthistorischen Institutes der Universität Graz |
Forsch. Dt. Kstgesch. | Forschungen zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte |
Forsch. Gesch. Oberösterreichs | Forschung zur Geschichte Oberösterreichs |
Forsch. Gesch. Stadt Ulm | Forschungen zur Geschichte der Stadt Ulm |
Forsch. Kstgesch. & Christ. Archäol. | Forschungen zur Kunstgeschichte und christlichen Archäologie |
Führer Ksthist. Mus. | Führer durch das Kunsthistorische Museum |
Führer Urgesch. | Führer zur Urgeschichte |
Garland Lib. Hist. A. | Garland Library of the History of Art |
Genius Archit. | Genius in Architecture |
Gen. Serv. Admin. Hist. Stud. | General Services Administration Historical Study |
Gesch. Stadt Wien | Geschichte der Stadt Wien |
Ges. Rhein. Geschknd. | Gesellschaft für rheinische Geschichtskunde |
Giessen. Beitr. Kstgesch. | Giessener Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte |
Global Archit. | Global Architecture |
Gmünd. Stud. | Gmünden Studien |
Govt Andhra Pradesh, Archaeol. Ser. | Government of Andhra Pradesh, Archaeological Series |
Grosse Bauten Eur. | Grosse Bauten Europas |
Gt Amer. Architect Ser. | Great American Architect series |
Gt Gals World | Great Galleries of the World |
Gt W. Ser. | Great Western Series |
Guida Italia TCI | Guida d’Italia del Touring club italiano |
Harvard-Radcliffe F.A. Ser. | Harvard–Radcliffe Fine Arts Series |
Hb. Dt. Kstdkml. | Handbuch der deutschen Kunstdenkmäler |
Heibonsha Surv. Jap. A. | Heibonsha Survey of Japanese Art |
Heidelberg. Kstgesch. Abh. | Heidelberger Kunstgeschichtliche Abhandlungen |
Hildesheim. Ägyp. Beitr. | Hildesheimer Ägyptologie Beiträge |
Hisp. Soc. America Pubns | Hispanic Society of America Publications |
Hisp. Soc. Pubns | Hispanic Society Publications |
Hist. A. | History in the Arts |
Hist. A. Portugal | Historia da arte em Portugal |
Hist. & Cult. Ind. People | The History and Culture of the Indian People |
Hist. Gen. A. Mex. | Historia general del arte mexicano |
Hist. Mnmts Iraq | Historical Monuments in Iraq |
Hist. World Archit. | History of World Architecture |
Hyderabad Archaeol. Ser. | Hyderabad Archaeological Series |
Industrialization Forum | |
Irish Her. Ser. | Irish Heritage Series |
Irish Lit. Stud. | Irish Literary Studies |
Istanbul. Forsch. | Istanbuler Forschungen |
Ist. It. Med. & Estrem. Oriente, Rap. & Mem. | Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, rapporti e memorie |
Istor. Rus. Isk. | Istoriya russkogo iskusstva |
Italia A. | Italia artistica |
Italia Romanica | Italia romanica |
It. Forsch. Ksthist. Inst. Florenz | Italienische Forschungen des kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz |
Izobrazitel’noye Isk. | Izobrazitel’noye iskusstvo |
Jap. A. Lib. | Japanese Arts Library |
Kat. Bayer. Nmus. München | Kataloge des bayerischen Nationalmuseums München |
Klass. Kst Gesamtausgaben | Klassiker der Kunst in Gesamtausgaben |
Kstdkml. Bayern | Die Kunstdenkmäler von Bayern |
Kstdkml. Schweiz | Die Kunstdenkmäler der Schweiz |
Kstgesch. Schweiz | Kunstgeschichte der Schweiz von den Anfängen bis zum Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts |
Kstpatrm. W.-Vlaanderen | Kunstpatrimonium van West-Vlaanderen |
Landmarks A. Hist. | Landmarks in Art History |
Lett. It. | Letteratura italiana |
Loeb Class. Lib. | Loeb Classical Library |
London Rec. Soc. Pubns | London Record Society Publications |
London Top. Soc. Pubns | London Topographical Society Publications |
Lübeck. Musführer | Lübecker Museumsführer |
Maestri Colore | I maestri del colore |
Mainfränk. Hft. | Mainfränkische Hefte |
Manchester Stud. Hist. A. | Manchester Studies in the History of Art |
Mat. Allg. Vergl. Archäol. | Materialen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Archäologie |
Mat. & Stud. Hist. Armen. A. & Cult. | Materials and Studies for the History of Armenian Art and Culture |
McGill U. Monographs Class. Archaeol. & Hist. | McGill University Monographs in Classical Archaeology and History |
Meded. Rijksmus. Vlkenknd. | Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde |
Mél. Maspero | Mélanges Maspero [sub-series in Inst. Fr. Archéol. Orient. Caire] |
Mem. Archaeol. Surv. Ceylon | Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of Ceylon |
Mem. Archaeol. Surv. India | Memoirs of the Archaeological Survey of India |
Mém. Archéol.: Ecole Fr. Extrême-Orient | Mémoires archéologiques publiés par l’Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient |
Mem. Bishop Mus. | Memoirs of the Bishop Museum |
Mém.: Dél. Archéol. Fr. Afghanistan | Mémoires de la délégation archéologique française en Afghanistan |
Mém.: Inst. Fr. Archéol. Orient. Caire | Mémoires publiés par les membres de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale du Caire |
Mém.: Miss. Archéol. Fr. Caire | Mémoires publiés par les membres de la Mission archéologique française du Caire |
Mem. Mus. Anthropol.: U. MI | Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan |
Mem. Polynes. Soc. | Memoirs of the Polynesian Society |
Mens. A. | Mensile d’arte |
Meroitica | |
MI Pap. Chin. Stud. | Michigan Papers in Chineses Studies |
MI Pap. S. & SE Asian Stud. | Michigan Papers on South and Southeast Asian Studies |
Misc. Cassinese | Miscellanea cassinese |
Mnmt. A. Romanae | Monumenta artis Romanae |
Mnmt. Ger. Hist. | Monumenta Germaniae historica |
Mnmt. & Ist. | Monumenti e istituzioni |
Monographs Malay. Branch Royal Asiat. Soc. | Monographs of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society |
Münchn. Ksthist. Abh. | Münchner kunsthistorische Abhandlungen |
Ned. Mnmt. Gesch. & Kst | De Nederlandse monumenten van geschiedenis en kunst |
Neue Münchn. Beitr. Kstgesch. | Neue Münchner Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte |
New Bell’s Cathedral Guides | |
New York U., Inst. F.A., Wrightsman Lect. | New York University, Institute of Fine Art, Wrightsman Lectures |
Norton Crit. Stud. A. Hist. | Norton Critical Studies in Art History |
NT Guidebk | National Trust Guidebook |
Nuit Temps | La Nuit du temps [Zodiaque] |
Occas. AURA Pubn | Occasional AURA Publication |
Opera Completa | Opera completa |
Orbis A. | Orbis artium |
Orient. Inst. Pubns | Oriental Institute Publications |
Orient. Numi. Soc., Occas. Pap. | Oriental Numismatic Society, Occasional Papers |
Outstanding Diss. F.A. | Outstanding Dissertations in the Fine Arts |
Oxford Hist. Eng. A. | The Oxford History of English Art |
Oxford Stud. Hist. A. & Archit. | Oxford Studies in the History of Art and Architecture |
Palet Ser. | Palet Serie |
Palladin Mod. Movts | Palladin Modern Movements |
Pallas Lib. A. | The Pallas Library of Art |
Pap. A. Hist. PA State U. | Papers in Art History from the Pennsylvania State University |
Pap. Peabody Mus. Archaeol. & Ethnol. | Papers of the Peabody Museum for Archaeology and Ethnology |
Pelican Hist. A. | Pelican History of Art |
Penguin Class. World A. | Penguin Classics of World Art |
Penguin Guide Mnmts India | Penguin Guide to the Monuments of India |
Penguin Mod. Masters | Penguin Modern Masters |
Penguin Mod. Painters | Penguin Modern Painters |
Petites Monographies Grands Edifices France | Petites monographies des grands édifices de la France |
Philol. Untersuchungen | Philologische Untersuchungen |
Pitt. Italia | La pittura in Italia |
Port. Monographs A. Subjects | Portfolio Monographs on Artistic Subjects |
Prähist. Bronzefunde | Prähistorische Bronzefunde |
Princeton Monographs A. & Archaeol. | Princeton Monographs in Art and Archaeology |
Prob. Kstwiss. | Probleme der Kunstwissenschaft |
Propyläen-Kstgesch. | Propyläen-Kunstgeschichte |
Pubn Abt. Asien, Ksthist. Inst. U. Köln | Publikationen der Abteilung Asien, Kunsthistorisches Institut der Universität Köln |
Pubn Archv U. Graz | Publikationen aus dem Archiv der Universität Graz |
Pubns Bib. A. & Archéol. | Publications de la Bibliothèque d’art et d’archéologie |
Pubns Ecole Fr. Extrême-Orient | Publications de l’Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient |
Pubns Hist. A. & Archéol. U. Cath. Louvain | Publications d’histoire de l’art et d’archéologie de l’Université catholique de Louvain |
Pubns Soc. Promot. Byz. Stud. | Publications of the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies |
Quarto [London] | |
Quellen & Darstell. Fränk. Gesch. | Quellen und Darstellungen zur fränkischen Geschichte |
Quellen & Darstell. Fränk. Kstgesch. | Quellen und Darstellungen zur fränkischen Kunstgeschichte |
Quellen & Forsch. Sprach- & Kultgesch. Ger. Vlker | Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte der germanischen Völker |
Quellen & Schr. Bild. Kst | Quellen und Schriften zur bildenden Kunst |
Quellenschr. Kstgesch. & Ksttech. | Quellenschriften für Kunstgeschichte und Kunsttechnik |
Quellenschr. Kstgesch. & Ksttech. Mittlalt. & Neuzeit | Quellenschriften für Kunstgeschichte und Kunsttechnik des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit |
Quellenschr. Kstgesch. & Ksttech. Mittlalt. & Ren. | Quellenschriften für Kunstgeschichte und Kunsttechnik des Mittelalters und der Renaissance |
Quellen & Stud. Dt. Ordens | Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte des deutschen Ordens |
Reclams Kstführer | Reclams Kunstführer |
Ref. Pubns A. Hist. | Reference Publications in Art History |
Rencontres Louvre | Rencontres du Louvre |
Rhein. Archv | Rheinisches Archiv |
Rolls Ser. | Rolls Series [Rerum Britannicarum mediiaevi scriptures] |
Röm. Forsch. Bib. Hertz. | Römische Forschungen der Bibliotheca Hertziana |
Röm. Forsch. Ksthist. Inst. Graz | Römische Forschungen des Kunsthistorischen Instituts Graz |
Röm. Qschr. Christ. Altertknd. & Kirchgesch. | Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte |
Royal Comm. Anc. & Hist. Mnmts & Constr. England | Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions of England |
Royal Comm. Anc. & Hist. Mnmts Scotland | Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland |
Royal Ont. Mus., A. & Archaeol. Occas. Pap. | Royal Ontario Museum, Art and Archaeology Occasional Papers |
Rus. Khudozhestvennaya Kul’t. Kontsa XIX-Nachala XX Veka | Russkaya khudozhestvennaya kul’tura kontsa XIX-nachala XX veka |
Saggi & Stud. Stor. A. | Saggi e studi di storia dell’arte |
Sather Class. Lect. | Sather Classical Lectures |
Schaumburg. Stud. | Schaumburger Studien |
Schede Vesma | |
Schr. Goethe-Ges. | Schriften der Goethe-Gesellschaft |
Schr. Heeresgesch. Mus. Wien | Schriften des Heeresgeschichtlichen Museums in Wien |
Schrreihe Akad. Kst. | Schriftenreihe der Akademie der Künste |
Schrreihe Mus. Neustrelitz | Schriftenreihe des Museums Neustrelitz |
Schrreihe U. Regensburg | Schriftenreihe der Universität Regensburg |
Schr. Städt. Kstmus. Düsseldorf | Schriften des städtischen Kunstmuseums zu Düsseldorf |
Schweiz. Inst. Kstwiss., Oeuvrekat. | Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft, Oeuvrekataloge |
Schweiz. Kstler | Schweizer Künstler |
Ser. A. & Artistas: Bib. A. & Cult. Bolivia | Serie arte y artistas: Biblioteca de arte y cultura de Bolivia |
S. Ind. Inscr. | South Indian Inscriptions |
Smithsonian Contrib. Anthropol. | Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology |
Soc. Antiqua. London, Occas. Pap. | Society of Antiquaries of London, Occasional Paper |
Soc. Antiqua. London Res. Rep. | Society of Antiquaries of London Research Report |
Soc. Antiqua. Scotland/Monograph Ser. | Society of Antiquaries of Scotland/Monograph Series |
Soc. SE Asian Stud. | Society for South East Asian Studies |
Sources Chrét. | Sources chrétiennes |
Sources & Doc. Hist. A. | Sources and Documents in the History of Art |
Southampton A.G., Cat. Ser. | Southampton Art Gallery, Catalogue Series |
Sp. Forsch. Görres-Ges. | Spanische Forschungen der Görres-Gesellschaft |
Stor. Milano | Storia di Milano |
Stor. Miniatura: Stud. & Doc. | Storia della miniatura: Studi e documenti |
Stor. Napoli | Storia di Napoli |
Stor. Pitt. It. | Storia della pittura italiana |
Stud. Archaeol. | Studia archaeologica |
Stud. Archit. | Studies in Architecture |
Stud. Bib. Warb. | Studien der Bibliothek Warburg [vols i–xxiv, 1922–32 pubd in Leipzig; cont. as Stud. Warb. Inst.] |
Stud. Church Hist. | Studies in Church History |
Stud. F.A.: Crit. | Studies in the Fine Arts: Criticism |
Stud. Hist. A. | Studies in the History of Art |
Stud. Kstgesch. | Studien zur Kunstgeschichte |
Stud. Kultknd. | Studien zur Kulturkunde |
Stud. Late Ant. & Early Islam | Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam |
Stud. & Mat. Mus. Civil. Romana | Studi e materiali del Museo della civiltà romana |
Stud. Medit. Archaeol. | Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology |
Stud. MS. Illum. | Studies in Manuscript Illumination |
Stud. Russ. A. Hist. | Studies in Russian Art History |
Stud. Schleswig-Holstein. Kstgesch. | Studien zur schleswig-holsteinischen Kunstgeschichte |
Stud. Silensia | Studia Silensia |
Stud. Warb. Inst. | Studies of the Warburg Institute [prev. pubd as Stud. Bib. Warb.] |
Style & Civiliz. | Style and Civilization |
Summa A. | Summa artis: Historia general del arte |
Svensk. Human. Forbundet | Svenska humanistiska forbundet |
Tanjore Sarasvati Ser. | Tanjore Sarasvati Series |
Tatti Stud. | I Tatti Studies: Essays in the Renaissance |
Tib. Hist. Ser. | Tibetan History Series |
Trad. A. Africa | Traditional Arts of Africa |
Trav. & Mém. Inst. Ethnol. | Travaux et mémoires de l’Institut d’ethnologie |
Tribal A. | Tribal Art |
Trinity Coll. Dublin, Quatercenten. Ser. | Trinity College Dublin, Quatercentenary Series |
Trivandrum Skt Ser. | Trivandrum Sanskrit Series |
Tutta Pitt. | Tutta la pittura/All the Paintings |
U. Buenos Aires, Inst. Invest. Hist. | Universidad de Buenos Aires, Instituto de investigaciones históricas |
U. CA, Pubns Amer. Archaeol. & Ethnol. | University of California, Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology |
U. CA, Pubns Anthropol. | University of California, Publications in Anthropology |
U. CA, Pubns Class. Archaeol. | University of California, Publications in Classical Archaeology |
Univers Conn. | L’Univers des connaissances |
Vance Bibliog., Archit. Ser. | Vance Bibliographies, Architecture Series |
Vanderbilt U., Pubns Anthropol. | Vanderbilt University, Publications in Anthropology |
Verhand. Kon. Inst. Taal-, Land- & Volkenknd. | Verhandelingen [van der] Koninklijke instituut voor taal-, land- en volkenkunde |
Veröff. Fulda. Geschver. | Veröffentlichungen des Fuldaer Geschichtsvereins |
Veröff. Mus. Vlkerknd., Berlin | Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Völkerkunde, Berlin |
Veröff. Zentinst Kstgesch. München | Veröffentlichungen des Zentralinstituts für Kunstgeschichte in München |
Victoria Hist. Co. England | Victoria History of the Counties of England |
Vor Tids Kst | Vor tids kunst [Art of our time] |
Warb. Inst. Surv. | Warburg Institute Surveys |
Werken Hist. Genoot. | Werken uitgegeven door het Historisch genootschap |
Wien. Schr. | Wiener Schriften |
Wiss. Veröff. Dt. Orient-Ges. | Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft |
Working Pap. Anthropol., Archaeol., Ling. & Maori Stud., U. Auckland | Working Papers in Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistics and Maori Studies, University of Auckland |
Working Pap. Trad. A. | Working Papers in the Traditional Arts |
World A. | World of Art |
World Anthropol. | World Anthropology |
World U. Lib. | World University Library |
Yale U., Pubns Anthropol. | Yale University, Publications in Anthropology |