General Abbreviations
The following standard abbreviations are found in Grove Art:
4to | quarto |
8vo | octavo |
A. | Art, Arts |
A.C. | Arts Council |
Acad. | Academy |
Add. | Additional, Addendum |
addn | addition |
Adv. | Advances, Advanced |
Aesth. | Aesthetic(s) |
Afr. | African |
Afrik. | Afrikaans, Afrikaner |
A.G. | Art Gallery |
Agrar. | Agrarian |
Agric. | Agriculture |
Agron. | Agronomy |
Agy | Agency |
AH | Anno Hegirae |
A. Inst. | Art Institute |
Alb. | Albanian |
Alg. | Algerian |
Alta | Alberta (Canada) |
Altern. | Alternative |
Amat. | Amateur |
Amer. | American |
An. | Annals |
Anatol. | Anatolian |
Anc. | Ancient |
Annu. | Annual |
Ant. | Antique |
Anthol. | Anthology |
Anthropol. | Anthropology |
Antiqua. | Antiquarian, Antiquaries |
app. | appendix |
ARA | Associate of the Royal Academy |
Arab. | Arabic |
Archaeol. | Archaeology |
Archit. | Architecture, Architectural |
Archv, Archvs | Archive(s) |
Arg. | Argentine |
ARHA | Associate of the Royal Hibernian Academy |
ARIBA | Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects |
Armen. | Armenian |
ARSA | Associate of the Royal Scottish Academy |
Asiat. | Asiatic |
Assist. | Assistance |
Astron. | Astronomy |
AT&T | American Telephone & Telegraph Company |
Aust. | Austrian |
Austral. | Australian |
Auton. | Autonomous |
Aux. | Auxiliary |
Azerbaij. | Azerbaijani |
B. | Bartsch [catalogue of Old Master prints] |
BA | Bachelor of Arts |
Balt. | Baltic |
bapt | baptized |
BArch | Bachelor of Architecture |
Bart | Baronet |
Bask. | Basketry |
BBC | British Broadcasting Corporation |
BE | Buddhist era |
Behav. | Behavioural |
Belarus. | Belarusian |
Belg. | Belgian |
BFA | Bachelor of Fine Arts |
Bibl. | Bible, Biblical |
Biblioph. | Bibliophile |
Biol. | Biology, Biological |
Bkbinder | Bookbinder |
bk, bks | book(s) |
Bklore | Booklore |
Bkshop | Bookshop |
BL | British Library |
Bld | Build |
Bldr | Builder |
BLitt | Bachelor of Letters/Literature |
BM | British Museum |
Boh. | Bohemian |
Boliv. | Bolivian |
Botan. | Botany, Botanical |
BP | Before present (1950) |
Braz. | Brazilian |
BRD | Bundesrepublik Deutschland [Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)] |
Brez. | Brezonek [lang. of Brittany] |
Brit. | British |
BSc | Bachelor of Science |
Bulg. | Bulgarian |
Bull. | Bulletin |
bur | buried |
Burm. | Burmese |
Byz. | Byzantine |
Cab. | Cabinet |
C.A.G. | City Art Gallery |
Cal. | Calendar |
Callig. | Calligraphy |
Cam. | Camera |
can | canonized |
Can. | Canadian |
Cant. | Canton(s), Cantonal |
Carib. | Caribbean |
Cartog. | Cartography |
Cat. | Catalan |
cat. | catalogue |
Cath. | Catholic |
CBE | Commander of the Order of the British Empire |
Celeb. | Celebration |
Celt. | Celtic |
Cent. | Centre, Central |
Centen. | Centennial |
Cer. | Ceramic |
Chem. | Chemistry |
Chil. | Chilean |
Chin. | Chinese |
Christ. | Christian, Christianity |
Chron. | Chronicle |
Cie | Compagnie [French] |
Cinema. | Cinematography |
Circ. | Circle |
Civ. | Civil, Civic |
Civiliz. | Civilization(s) |
Class. | Classic, Classical |
Clin. | Clinical |
Cod. | Codex, Codices |
Col., Cols | Collection(s); Column(s) |
Coll. | College |
Collct. | Collecting |
Colloq. | Colloquies |
Colomb. | Colombian |
Colon. | Colonies, Colonial |
Colr | Collector |
Comm. | Commission; Community |
Commerc. | Commercial |
Communic. | Communications |
Comp. | Comparative; compiled by, compiler |
Concent. | Concentration |
Concr. | Concrete |
Confed. | Confederation |
Confer. | Conference |
Congol. | Congolese |
Congr. | Congress |
Conserv. | Conservation; Conservatory |
Constr. | Construction(al) |
Convalesc. | Convalescence |
Convent. | Convention |
Coop. | Cooperation |
Copt. | Coptic |
Corp. | Corporation, Corpus |
Corr. | Correspondence |
Cors. | Corsican |
Cost. | Costume |
Cret. | Cretan |
Crim. | Criminal |
Crit. | Critical, Criticism |
Croat. | Croatian |
Cttee | Committee |
Cub. | Cuban |
Cult. | Cultural, Culture |
Cumb. | Cumberland (GB; old) |
Cur. | Curator, Curatorial, Curatorship |
Curr. | Current(s) |
CVO | Commander of the [Royal] Victorian Order |
Cyclad. | Cycladic |
Cyp. | Cypriot |
Czech. | Czechoslovak |
d. | denarius, denarii [penny, pence] |
Dalmat. | Dalmatian |
Dan. | Danish |
DBE | Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire |
DDR | Deutsche Demokratische Republik [German Democratic Republic (East Germany)] |
Dec. | Decorative |
ded. | dedication, dedicated to |
Democ. | Democracy, Democratic |
Demog. | Demography, Demographic |
Denbs | Denbighshire (GB; old) |
dep. | deposited at |
Des. | Design |
Dev. | Development |
Dial. | Dialogue |
diam. | diameter |
Diff. | Diffusion |
Dig. | Digest |
Dip. Eng. | Diploma in Engineering |
Dir. | Direction, Directed |
Directrt | Directorate |
Disc. | Discussion |
Distr. | District |
Div. | Division |
DLitt | Doctor of Letters/Literature |
Doc. | Document(s) |
Doss. | Dossier |
DPhil | Doctor of Philosophy |
Drg, Drgs | Drawing(s) |
DSc | Doctor of Science/Historical Sciences |
Dut. | Dutch |
Dwell. | Dwelling |
EC | European (Economic) Community |
Eccles. | Ecclesiastical |
Econ. | Economic, Economies |
Ecuad. | Ecuadorean |
Educ. | Education |
Egyp. | Egyptian |
Elem. | Element(s), Elementary |
Emp. | Empirical |
Emul. | Emulation |
Enc. | Encyclopedia |
Encour. | Encouragement |
Eng. | English |
Engin. | Engineer, Engineering |
Engr., Engrs | Engraving(s) |
Envmt | Environment |
Epig. | Epigraphy |
Episc. | Episcopal |
Ess. | Essays |
Ethnog. | Ethnography |
Ethnol. | Ethnology |
Etrus. | Etruscan |
Eur. | European |
Evangel. | Evangelical |
Excav. | Excavation, Excavated |
Exch. | Exchange |
Excurs. | Excursion |
Exp. | Exposition |
Expermntl | Experimental |
Explor. | Exploration |
Expn | Expansion |
Ext. | External |
Extn | Extension |
F.A. | Fine Art(s) |
Fac. | Faculty |
facs. | facsimile |
Fam. | Family |
fasc. | fascicle |
fd | feastday (of a saint) |
Fed. | Federation, Federal |
Fem. | Feminist |
Fest. | Festival |
f, ff | following page, following pages |
Filip. | Filipina(s), Filipino(s) |
Fin. | Finnish |
Flem. | Flemish |
Flints | Flintshire (GB; old) |
Flk | Folk |
Flklore | Folklore |
fol., fols | folio(s) |
Found. | Foundation |
Fr. | French |
frag. | fragment |
FRIBA | Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects |
FRS | Fellow of the Royal Society, London |
Furn. | Furniture |
Futur. | Futurist, Futurism |
Gael. | Gaelic |
Gal., Gals | Gallery, Galleries |
Gaz. | Gazette |
Gdn, Gdns | Garden(s) |
Gdnr(s) | Gardener(s) |
Gen. | General |
Geneal. | Genealogy, Genealogist |
Gent. | Gentleman, Gentlemen |
Geog. | Geography |
Geol. | Geology |
Geom. | Geometry |
Georg. | Georgian |
Geosci. | Geoscience |
Ger. | German, Germanic |
G.I. | Government/General Issue (USA) |
Gr. | Greek |
Graph. | Graphic |
Green. | Greenlandic |
Gr.-Roman | Greco-Roman |
Gt | Great |
Gtr | Greater |
Guat. | Guatemalan |
Gym. | Gymnasium |
ha | hectare |
Hait. | Haitian |
Hb. | Handbook |
Heb. | Hebrew |
Hell. | Hellenic |
Her. | Heritage |
Herald. | Heraldry, Heraldic |
Hib. | Hibernia |
Hisp. | Hispanic |
Hist. | History, Historical |
Horiz. | Horizon |
Hort. | Horticulture |
Hosp. | Hospital(s) |
Human. | Humanities, Humanism |
Hung. | Hungarian |
ICA | Institute of Contemporary Arts |
Ice. | Icelandic |
Iconog. | Iconography |
Iconol. | Iconology |
Imp. | Imperial |
inc. | incomplete |
Ind. | Indian |
Indep. | Independent |
Indig. | Indigenous |
Indol. | Indology |
Indon. | Indonesian |
Indust. | Industrial |
Inf. | Information |
Inq. | Inquiry |
Inscr. | Inscribed, Inscription |
Inst. | Institute(s) |
Inst. A. | Institute of Art |
Instr. | Instrument, Instrumental |
Int. | International |
Intell. | Intelligence |
Inter. | Interior(s), Internal |
Interdiscip. | Interdisciplinary |
inv. | inventory |
Inven. | Invention |
Invest. | Investigation(s) |
Iran. | Iranian |
irreg. | irregular(ly) |
Islam. | Islamic |
Isr. | Israeli |
It. | Italian |
J. | Journal |
Jam. | Jamaican |
Jap. | Japanese |
Jav. | Javanese |
Jew. | Jewish |
Jewel. | Jewellery |
Jord. | Jordanian |
Juris. | Jurisdiction |
KBE | Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire |
KCVO | Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order |
Knowl. | Knowledge |
Kor. | Korean |
Kyrgyz. | Kyrgyzstani |
l. | length |
Lab. | Laboratory |
Lang. | Language(s) |
Lat. | Latin |
Latv. | Latvian |
Leb. | Lebanese |
Lect. | Lecture |
Legis. | Legislative |
Lex. | Lexicon |
Liber. | Liberian |
Lib., Libs | Library, Libraries |
Libsp | Librarianship |
Lit. | Literature |
Lith. | Lithuanian |
Liturg. | Liturgical |
LLB | Bachelor of Laws |
LLD | Doctor of Laws |
MA | Master of Arts; Massachusetts (USA) |
Mag. | Magazine |
Maint. | Maintenance |
Malay. | Malaysian |
Man. | Manitoba (Canada); Manual |
Manuf. | Manufactures |
Mar. | Marine, Maritime |
Mason. | Masonic |
Mat. | Material(s) |
MBE | Member of the Order of the British Empire |
MD | Doctor of Medicine; Maryland (USA) |
Mech. | Mechanical |
Med. | Medieval; Medium, Media |
Medic. | Medical, Medicine |
Medit. | Mediterranean |
Mem. | Memorial(s); Memoir(s) |
Meso-Amer. | Meso-American |
Mesop. | Mesopotamian |
Met. | Metropolitan |
Metal. | Metallurgy |
Mex. | Mexican |
MFA | Master of Fine Arts |
Mgmt | Management |
Mgr | Monsignor |
Micrones. | Micronesian |
Mid. Amer. | Middle American |
Mid. E. | Middle Eastern |
Mid. Eng. | Middle English |
Mil. | Military |
Mill. | Millennium |
Min. | Ministry; Minutes |
Miss. | Mission(s) |
Mnmtl | Monumental |
Mnmt, Mnmts | Monument(s) |
Mod. | Modern, Modernist |
Moldav. | Moldavian |
Moldov. | Moldovan |
MOMA | Museum of Modern Art |
Mongol. | Mongolian |
Mor. | Moral |
Morav. | Moravian |
Moroc. | Moroccan |
Movt | Movement |
MPhil | Master of Philosophy |
MSc | Master of Science |
MS., MSS | manuscript(s) |
Mthly | Monthly |
Mun. | Municipal |
Mus. | Museum(s) |
Mus. A. | Museum of Art |
Mus. F.A. | Museum of Fine Art(s) |
Music. | Musicology |
N. | North(ern); National |
n | refractive index of a medium |
n. | note |
N.A.G. | National Art Gallery |
Nat. | Natural, Nature |
Naut. | Nautical |
n.d. | no date |
Neth. | Netherlandish |
Newslett. | Newsletter |
N.G. | National Gallery |
N.G.A. | National Gallery of Art |
Niger. | Nigerian |
nm | nanometre (10-9 metre) |
nn. | notes |
Nord. | Nordic |
Norm. | Normal |
Norw. | Norwegian |
n.p. | no place (of publication) |
N.P.G. | National Portrait Gallery |
Nr E. | Near Eastern |
n. s. | new series |
NT | National Trust |
Ntbk | Notebook |
Numi. | Numismatic(s) |
OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire |
Obj. | Object(s), Objective |
Occas. | Occasional |
Occident. | Occidental |
Ocean. | Oceania |
OFM | Order of Friars Minor |
Olymp. | Olympic |
OM | Order of Merit |
op. | opus |
opp. | opposite; opera [pl. of opus] |
Orient. | Oriental |
Orthdx | Orthodox |
OSB | Order of St Benedict |
Ott. | Ottoman |
p | pence |
p.a. | per annum |
Pak. | Pakistani |
Palaeontol. | Palaeontology, Palaeontological |
Palest. | Palestinian |
Pap. | Paper(s) |
para. | paragraph |
Parag. | Paraguayan |
Parl. | Parliament |
Paroch. | Parochial |
Patriarch. | Patriarchate |
Patriot. | Patriotic |
Patrm. | Patrimony |
Pav. | Pavilion |
Per. | Period |
Percep. | Perceptions |
Perf. | Performance, Performing, Performed |
Period. | Periodical(s) |
Pers. | Persian |
Persp. | Perspectives |
Peru. | Peruvian |
PhD | Doctor of Philosophy |
Philol. | Philology |
Philos. | Philosophy |
Phoen. | Phoenician |
Phot. | Photograph, Photography, Photographic |
Phys. | Physician(s), Physics, Physique, Physical |
Physiog. | Physiognomy |
Physiol. | Physiology |
Pict. | Picture(s), Pictorial |
pl. | plate; plural |
Plan. | Planning |
Planet. | Planetarium |
Plast. | Plastic |
pls | plates |
Polit. | Political |
Poly. | Polytechnic |
Polynes. | Polynesian |
Pop. | Popular |
Port. | Portuguese |
Port. | Portfolio |
Posth. | Posthumous(ly) |
Pott. | Pottery |
PRA | President of the Royal Academy |
Pract. | Practical |
Prefect. | Prefecture, Prefectural |
Preserv. | Preservation |
priv. | private |
PRO | Public Record Office |
Prob. | Problem(s) |
Proc. | Proceedings |
Prod. | Production |
Prog. | Progress |
Proj. | Project(s) |
Promot. | Promotion |
Prop. | Property, Properties |
Prov. | Province(s), Provincial |
Proven. | Provenance |
Prtg | Printing |
Prt, Prts | Print(s) |
Psych. | Psychiatry, Psychiatric |
Psychol. | Psychology, Psychological |
pt | part |
Ptg(s) | Painting(s) |
Pub. | Public |
Publ. | Publicity |
PVA | polyvinyl acetate |
PVC | polyvinyl chloride |
Q. | quarterly |
QuŽ. | QuŽbec (Canada) |
R | reprint |
r | recto |
RA | Royal Academician |
Radnors | Radnorshire (GB; old) |
RAF | Royal Air Force |
Rec. | Record(s) |
red. | reduction, reduced for |
Ref. | Reference |
Refurb. | Refurbishment |
reg | regit [ruled] |
Reg. | Regional |
Relig. | Religion, Religious |
remod. | remodelled |
Ren. | Renaissance |
Rep. | Report(s) |
Represent. | Representation, Representative |
Res. | Research |
rest. | restored, restoration |
Retro. | Retrospective |
Rev. | Reverend; Review |
RHA | Royal Hibernian Academician |
RIBA | Royal Institute of British Architects |
RJ | Rio de Janeiro State |
Rlwy | Railway |
RSA | Royal Scottish Academy |
RSFSR | Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic |
Rur. | Rural |
Rus. | Russian |
s. | solidus, solidi [shilling(s)] |
Scand. | Scandinavian |
Sch. | School |
Scot. | Scottish |
Sculp. | Sculpture |
Sel. | Selected |
Semin. | Seminar(s), Seminary |
Semiot. | Semiotic |
Semit. | Semitic |
Serb. | Serbian |
Serv. | Service(s) |
Sess. | Session, Sessional |
Settmt(s) | Settlement(s) |
Siber. | Siberian |
Sig. | Signature |
Sil. | Silesian |
Sin. | Singhala |
sing. | singular |
SJ | Societas Jesu [Society of Jesus] |
Skt | Sanskrit |
Slav. | Slavic, Slavonic |
Slov. | Slovene, Slovenian |
Soc. | Society |
Social. | Socialism, Socialist |
Sociol. | Sociology |
Sov. | Soviet |
SP | S‹o Paulo State |
Sp. | Spanish |
Sri L. | Sri Lankan |
SS | Saints, Santi, Santissima, Santissimo, Santissimi; Steam ship |
SSR | Soviet Socialist Republic |
Stud. | Study, Studies |
Subalp. | Subalpine |
Sum. | Sumerian |
Sup. | Superior |
Surv. | Survey |
Swed. | Swedish |
Swi. | Swiss |
Symp. | Symposium |
Syr. | Syrian |
Tap. | Tapestry |
Tas. | Tasmanian |
Tech. | Technical, Technique |
Technol. | Technology |
Territ. | Territory |
Theat. | Theatre |
Theol. | Theology, Theological |
Theor. | Theory, Theoretical |
Tib. | Tibetan |
Top. | Topography |
Trad. | Tradition(s), Traditional |
Transafr. | Transafrican |
Transatlant. | Transatlantic |
Transcarpath. | Transcarpathian |
Triq. | Triquarterly |
Tropic. | Tropical |
Turk. | Turkish |
Turkmen. | Turkmenistani |
Ukrain. | Ukrainian |
Un. | Union |
Underwtr | Underwater |
Univl | Universal |
Urb. | Urban |
Urug. | Uruguayan |
v | verso |
V&A | Victoria and Albert Museum |
Var. | Various |
Venez. | Venezuelan |
Vern. | Vernacular |
Vict. | Victorian |
Vid. | Video |
Viet. | Vietnamese |
viz. | videlicet [namely] |
Vulg. | Vulgarisation |
Wkly | Weekly |
Wtrcol. | Watercolour |
Yb., Y.-b. | Yearbook, Year-book |
Yem. | Yemeni |
Yug. | Yugoslavian |
Zamb. | Zambian |
Zimb. | Zimbabwean |