Benezit Editorial and Image Policies

Editorial Policy

The 2006, 14-volume English edition of the Benezit Dictionary of Artists was added to Oxford Art Online in the fall of 2011, along with over 100 new entries not in the print edition.  Entries are updated on an ongoing basis with revisions, corrections, and newly commissioned material.  Benezit’s Editor in Chief advises on the research, curatorial, educational, and library needs for this resource, including practical matters such as functionality, design, image copyright, and other online publishing issues. Advisory editors oversee major updates in specific subject areas and serve in this capacity on a project-by-project basis. The commissioning process is managed by a team of editors in-house at OUP.  

The first four editions of Benezit were compiled, written, and updated by teams of researchers under the direction of editors at Editions Gründ.  Authors who have written or revised entries since the launch of the online edition at Oxford Art Online are acknowledged on our Contributor page.

We welcome suggestions for revisions to existing articles or new artists for inclusion. You may contact us through the site, or email suggestions to Suggestions for new entries are submitted to area specialists and editors for their review. Oxford University Press makes all final decisions regarding the inclusion of content. If you are suggesting a new biography for Benezit, please include the following information:

  • Biographical details (date and place of birth, etc.)
  • Education
  • Group and individual exhibitions
  • Paragraph summarizing the subjects generally treated and the artist’s style
  • Bibliography
  • Museography

Image Policy

Benezit is not an image provider and therefore cannot grant permissions or advise on issues of rights and usage. Please contact the image providers and copyright holders cited in the captions directly if you wish to use art images for anything other than personal or educational purposes. Please see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice for more information. Resources on image copyright and fair use in the US can be found at Intellectual Property and the Visual Arts on the College Art Association’s website.

Benezit features over 11,000 images of artists’ signatures and monograms, and stamps of sale. A selection of new signature images and portraits and self-portraits of artists are added on a rolling basis.

If you would like to donate a high-resolution image of the signature of an artist who has a biography in Benezit, you may contact us through the site, or email suggestions to We can only accept images that are cleared for worldwide, perpetual online use.