A. & Soc. Ser. Art and Society Series
A. Amer. Artes Americanae
A. Hisp. Ars Hispaniae
A. Venturi: Storia (1901–40) Storia dell’arte italiana, 11 vols (Milan, 1901–40/R Nendeln, 1967)
ADB Allgemeine deutsche Biographie, 56 vols (Leipzig, 1875–1912)
ANB American National Biography, 24 vols (New York, 1999)
AUDB Australian Dictionary of Biography (Melbourne, 1966–)
Acta Iran. Acta Iranica
Afr. Stud. Cent. Working Pap. African Studies Center Working Papers
Archaeol. Surv. India, New Imp. Ser. Archaeological Survey of India, New Imperial Series [first few volumes called Archaeological Survey of India, New Series]
Archaeol. Surv. W. India Archaeological Survey of Western India
Archibald E. H. H. Archibald: Dictionary of Sea Painters (Woodbridge, 1980)